
 1import pennylane as qml
 2import typing
 4class AIInterface:
 5    '''
 6        This class implements the inteface between quantum circuits implemented in PennyLane and the two most popular DL libraries,
 7        Pytorch and Tensorflow. 
 8    '''
10    @staticmethod
11    def network_layer(circuit : qml.qnode, weight_shape : dict, n_qubits : int, aiframework : str) -> typing.Union[qml.qnn.TorchLayer, qml.qnn.KerasLayer]:
12        '''
13            Static methods that embedd quantum layer into a torch or a keras layer.  
15            Parameters:  
16            -----------  
17            - circuit : qml.qnode  
18                pennylane circuit to be embedded   
19            - weight_shape : dict  
20                shape of the trainalbe weights, it is derived from hqm.circuits.circuit.QuantumCircuit  
21            - n_qubits : int  
22                integer representing the number of qubits used for the circuit  
23            - aiframeworkks : str  
24                string representing which in wich ai framework the circuit will be embedded, can be 'torch' or 'keras'  
26            Returns:   
27            --------  
28            - qlayer : qml.qnn.TorchLayer or qml.qnn.KerasLayer  
29        '''
31        if   aiframework not in ['torch', 'keras']: raise Exception(f"Accepted values for framerwork are 'torch' or 'keras', found {aiframework}")
32        if   aiframework == "torch": qlayer = qml.qnn.TorchLayer(circuit, weight_shape)
33        elif aiframework == "keras": qlayer = qml.qnn.KerasLayer(circuit, weight_shape, output_dim=n_qubits)
34        else: raise Exception(f"Framerwork can be only torch or keras, found {aiframework}!")
36        return qlayer
class AIInterface:
 5class AIInterface:
 6    '''
 7        This class implements the inteface between quantum circuits implemented in PennyLane and the two most popular DL libraries,
 8        Pytorch and Tensorflow. 
 9    '''
11    @staticmethod
12    def network_layer(circuit : qml.qnode, weight_shape : dict, n_qubits : int, aiframework : str) -> typing.Union[qml.qnn.TorchLayer, qml.qnn.KerasLayer]:
13        '''
14            Static methods that embedd quantum layer into a torch or a keras layer.  
16            Parameters:  
17            -----------  
18            - circuit : qml.qnode  
19                pennylane circuit to be embedded   
20            - weight_shape : dict  
21                shape of the trainalbe weights, it is derived from hqm.circuits.circuit.QuantumCircuit  
22            - n_qubits : int  
23                integer representing the number of qubits used for the circuit  
24            - aiframeworkks : str  
25                string representing which in wich ai framework the circuit will be embedded, can be 'torch' or 'keras'  
27            Returns:   
28            --------  
29            - qlayer : qml.qnn.TorchLayer or qml.qnn.KerasLayer  
30        '''
32        if   aiframework not in ['torch', 'keras']: raise Exception(f"Accepted values for framerwork are 'torch' or 'keras', found {aiframework}")
33        if   aiframework == "torch": qlayer = qml.qnn.TorchLayer(circuit, weight_shape)
34        elif aiframework == "keras": qlayer = qml.qnn.KerasLayer(circuit, weight_shape, output_dim=n_qubits)
35        else: raise Exception(f"Framerwork can be only torch or keras, found {aiframework}!")
37        return qlayer

This class implements the inteface between quantum circuits implemented in PennyLane and the two most popular DL libraries, Pytorch and Tensorflow.

def network_layer( circuit: <function <lambda>>, weight_shape: dict, n_qubits: int, aiframework: str) -> Union[pennylane.qnn.torch.TorchLayer, pennylane.qnn.keras.KerasLayer]:
11    @staticmethod
12    def network_layer(circuit : qml.qnode, weight_shape : dict, n_qubits : int, aiframework : str) -> typing.Union[qml.qnn.TorchLayer, qml.qnn.KerasLayer]:
13        '''
14            Static methods that embedd quantum layer into a torch or a keras layer.  
16            Parameters:  
17            -----------  
18            - circuit : qml.qnode  
19                pennylane circuit to be embedded   
20            - weight_shape : dict  
21                shape of the trainalbe weights, it is derived from hqm.circuits.circuit.QuantumCircuit  
22            - n_qubits : int  
23                integer representing the number of qubits used for the circuit  
24            - aiframeworkks : str  
25                string representing which in wich ai framework the circuit will be embedded, can be 'torch' or 'keras'  
27            Returns:   
28            --------  
29            - qlayer : qml.qnn.TorchLayer or qml.qnn.KerasLayer  
30        '''
32        if   aiframework not in ['torch', 'keras']: raise Exception(f"Accepted values for framerwork are 'torch' or 'keras', found {aiframework}")
33        if   aiframework == "torch": qlayer = qml.qnn.TorchLayer(circuit, weight_shape)
34        elif aiframework == "keras": qlayer = qml.qnn.KerasLayer(circuit, weight_shape, output_dim=n_qubits)
35        else: raise Exception(f"Framerwork can be only torch or keras, found {aiframework}!")
37        return qlayer

Static methods that embedd quantum layer into a torch or a keras layer.


  • circuit : qml.qnode
    pennylane circuit to be embedded
  • weight_shape : dict
    shape of the trainalbe weights, it is derived from hqm.circuits.circuit.QuantumCircuit
  • n_qubits : int
    integer representing the number of qubits used for the circuit
  • aiframeworkks : str
    string representing which in wich ai framework the circuit will be embedded, can be 'torch' or 'keras'


  • qlayer : qml.qnn.TorchLayer or qml.qnn.KerasLayer