
 1from typing import TypeVar, Generic
 2import pennylane as qml
 3import warnings
 5quantumcircuit = TypeVar("quantumcircuit")
 6class QuantumCircuit(Generic[quantumcircuit]):
 7    '''
 8        Basic QuantumCircuit object.
 9    '''
10    def __init__(self, n_qubits : int, n_layers : int, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
11        '''
12            QuantumCircuit parent class.  
14            Parameters:  
15            -----------
16            - n_qubits : int  
17                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
18            - n_layers : int  
19                number of layers for the quantum circuit  
20            - dev : qml.device  
21                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
22                to 'default.qubit'  
24            Returns:  
25            --------  
26            Nothing, a QuantumCircuit object will be created.  
27        '''
29        # Checking for exceptions  
30        if n_qubits < 1: raise Exception(f"Number of qubits must be greater or equal than 1, found {n_qubits}")
31        if n_layers < 1: raise Exception(f"Number of layers must be greater or equal than 1, found {n_layers}")
33        # Set dev to 'default.qubit' if dev is None  
34        if dev is None: 
35            dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=n_qubits)
36            warnings.warn(f"Dev has been set to None, setting it to {dev}")
38        self.n_qubits     = n_qubits
39        self.n_layers     = n_layers
40        self.dev          = dev
class QuantumCircuit(typing.Generic[~quantumcircuit]):
 7class QuantumCircuit(Generic[quantumcircuit]):
 8    '''
 9        Basic QuantumCircuit object.
10    '''
11    def __init__(self, n_qubits : int, n_layers : int, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
12        '''
13            QuantumCircuit parent class.  
15            Parameters:  
16            -----------
17            - n_qubits : int  
18                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
19            - n_layers : int  
20                number of layers for the quantum circuit  
21            - dev : qml.device  
22                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
23                to 'default.qubit'  
25            Returns:  
26            --------  
27            Nothing, a QuantumCircuit object will be created.  
28        '''
30        # Checking for exceptions  
31        if n_qubits < 1: raise Exception(f"Number of qubits must be greater or equal than 1, found {n_qubits}")
32        if n_layers < 1: raise Exception(f"Number of layers must be greater or equal than 1, found {n_layers}")
34        # Set dev to 'default.qubit' if dev is None  
35        if dev is None: 
36            dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=n_qubits)
37            warnings.warn(f"Dev has been set to None, setting it to {dev}")
39        self.n_qubits     = n_qubits
40        self.n_layers     = n_layers
41        self.dev          = dev

Basic QuantumCircuit object.

QuantumCircuit( n_qubits: int, n_layers: int, dev: <module 'pennylane.devices' from '/Users/asebastianelli/miniforge3/envs/hqm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/devices/__init__.py'> = None)
11    def __init__(self, n_qubits : int, n_layers : int, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
12        '''
13            QuantumCircuit parent class.  
15            Parameters:  
16            -----------
17            - n_qubits : int  
18                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
19            - n_layers : int  
20                number of layers for the quantum circuit  
21            - dev : qml.device  
22                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
23                to 'default.qubit'  
25            Returns:  
26            --------  
27            Nothing, a QuantumCircuit object will be created.  
28        '''
30        # Checking for exceptions  
31        if n_qubits < 1: raise Exception(f"Number of qubits must be greater or equal than 1, found {n_qubits}")
32        if n_layers < 1: raise Exception(f"Number of layers must be greater or equal than 1, found {n_layers}")
34        # Set dev to 'default.qubit' if dev is None  
35        if dev is None: 
36            dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=n_qubits)
37            warnings.warn(f"Dev has been set to None, setting it to {dev}")
39        self.n_qubits     = n_qubits
40        self.n_layers     = n_layers
41        self.dev          = dev

QuantumCircuit parent class.


  • n_qubits : int
    number of qubits for the quantum circuit
  • n_layers : int
    number of layers for the quantum circuit
  • dev : qml.device
    PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set to 'default.qubit'


Nothing, a QuantumCircuit object will be created.