
  1from types import FunctionType
  2import pennylane as qml
  3import numpy as np
  4import random
  5import sys
  7sys.path += ['.', './ciruits/']
  9from hqm.circuits.circuit import QuantumCircuit
 11class RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator(QuantumCircuit):
 12    '''
 13        This class implements a quantum noise generator using a random circuit for each sample.
 14    '''
 16    def __init__(self, location : float, scale : float, n_qubits: int, n_layers : int, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
 17        '''
 18            RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.  
 20            Parameters:  
 21            -----------
 22            - location : float  
 23                location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
 24            - scale : float  
 25                scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching. 
 26            - n_qubits : int  
 27                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
 28            - n_layers : int  
 29                number of layers for the quantum circuit  
 30            - dev : qml.device  
 31                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
 32                to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).
 34            Returns:  
 35            --------  
 36            Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.  
 37        '''
 39        super().__init__(n_qubits=n_qubits, n_layers=n_layers, dev=dev)
 41        self.shots     = dev.shots
 42        self.location  = location 
 43        self.scale     = scale
 44        self.n_qubits  = n_qubits
 45        self.n_layers  = n_layers
 46        self.dev       = dev
 48    def generate_noise(self):
 49        '''
 50            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable  
 52            Parameters:  
 53            -----------
 54            Nothing
 56            Returns:  
 57            --------  
 58            n : float
 59                gaussianlike quantum noise observable
 60        '''
 61        expval = self.circ(self.dev)
 62        n = self.location + self.scale*expval
 63        return n
 66    def generate_noise_array(self, shape:tuple):
 67        '''
 68            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables
 70            Parameters:  
 71            -----------
 72            shape : tuple
 73                shape of the desired maxtrix of observables
 75            Returns:  
 76            --------  
 77            n : float
 78                gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables
 79        '''
 80        n = []
 81        for _ in range(np.prod(shape)): n.append(self.generate_noise())
 82        n = np.array(n)
 84        return n.reshape(shape)
 86    def circ(self, dev : qml.devices) -> FunctionType:
 87        '''
 88            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.  
 90            Parameters:  
 91            -----------  
 92            - dev : qml.device  
 93                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set  
 94                to 'default.qubit'   
 96            Returns:  
 97            --------  
 98            - qnode : qml.qnode  
 99                the actual PennyLane circuit   
100        '''
102        @qml.qnode(dev)
103        def qnode() -> dict:
104            '''
105                PennyLane based quantum circuit composed of a Ry gate
107                Parameters:  
108                -----------  
109                Nothing
111                Returns:  
112                --------  
113                - counts : dict  
114                    Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, 
115                    returning the number of counts for each sample. If no observable is provided then basis state samples are returned directly 
116                    from the device. Note that the output shape of this measurement process depends on the shots specified on the device. 
117            '''
119            qml.RandomLayers(np.random.random((len(dev.wires),self.n_layers)), range(len(dev.wires)))
120            return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
122        return qnode()
124class RandomCZNoiseGenerator(QuantumCircuit):
125    '''
126        This class implements a quantum noise generator using a random circuit
127    '''
129    def __init__(self, location : float, scale : float, n_qubits: int, n_layers : int, n_entangling_layers : int = 2, bit_string : bool = True, state_id : int = 0, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
130        '''
131            RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.  
133            Parameters:  
134            -----------
135            - location : float  
136                location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
137            - scale : float  
138                scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching. 
139            - n_qubits : int  
140                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
141            - n_layers : int  
142                number of layers for the quantum circuit 
143            - n_entangling_layers : int  
144                number of layers with entanglement
145            - state_id : int
146                name of the state to consider
147            - dev : qml.device  
148                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
149                to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).
151            Returns:  
152            --------  
153            Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.  
154        '''
156        super().__init__(n_qubits=n_qubits, n_layers=n_layers, dev=dev)
158        self.shots               = dev.shots
159        self.location            = location 
160        self.scale               = scale
161        self.n_qubits            = n_qubits
162        self.n_layers            = n_layers
163        self.n_entangling_layers = n_entangling_layers
164        self.bit_string          = bit_string
165        self.state_id            = state_id
166        self.dev                 = dev
167        self.circuit             = self.circ(self.dev)
169    def generate_noise(self):
170        '''
171            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable  
173            Parameters:  
174            -----------
175            Nothing
177            Returns:  
178            --------  
179            n : float
180                gaussianlike quantum noise observable
181        '''
182        if self.bit_string:
183            unitary_probs = self.circuit()
184            state_id = np.random.choice(2**self.n_qubits, p=unitary_probs)
185            expval = unitary_probs[state_id]
186        else:
187            expval = self.circuit()[self.state_id]
189        n = self.location + self.scale*expval
190        return n
193    def generate_noise_array(self, shape:tuple):
194        '''
195            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables
197            Parameters:  
198            -----------
199            shape : tuple
200                shape of the desired maxtrix of observables
202            Returns:  
203            --------  
204            n : float
205                gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables
206        '''
207        n = []
208        for _ in range(np.prod(shape)): n.append(self.generate_noise())
209        n = np.array(n)
211        return n.reshape(shape)
213    def circ(self, dev : qml.devices) -> FunctionType:
214        '''
215            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.  
217            Parameters:  
218            -----------  
219            - dev : qml.device  
220                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set  
221                to 'default.qubit'   
223            Returns:  
224            --------  
225            - qnode : qml.qnode  
226                the actual PennyLane circuit   
227        '''
229        @qml.qnode(dev)
230        def qnode() -> dict:
231            '''
232                PennyLane based quantum circuit composed of a Ry gate
234                Parameters:  
235                -----------  
236                Nothing
238                Returns:  
239                --------  
240                - counts : dict  
241                    Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, 
242                    returning the number of counts for each sample. If no observable is provided then basis state samples are returned directly 
243                    from the device. Note that the output shape of this measurement process depends on the shots specified on the device. 
244            '''
246            for _ in range(self.n_layers):
247                for j in range(self.n_qubits):
249                    qml.Hadamard(wires=j)
250                    rZ = 2*np.pi*random.random()
251                    qml.RZ(rZ,wires=j)
253                    rY = 2*np.pi*random.random()
254                    qml.RY(rY,wires=j)
256                    for _ in range(self.n_entangling_layers):
257                        r = random.sample(range(0, self.n_qubits), 2)        
258                        qml.CZ(wires=r)
260                    #qml.CZ(wires=r)
261                # Hadamards
262                qml.Barrier()
263            for i in range(self.n_qubits): qml.Hadamard(wires=i)
265            return qml.probs(wires=range(0,self.n_qubits))
267        return qnode
class RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator(typing.Generic[~quantumcircuit]):
 12class RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator(QuantumCircuit):
 13    '''
 14        This class implements a quantum noise generator using a random circuit for each sample.
 15    '''
 17    def __init__(self, location : float, scale : float, n_qubits: int, n_layers : int, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
 18        '''
 19            RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.  
 21            Parameters:  
 22            -----------
 23            - location : float  
 24                location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
 25            - scale : float  
 26                scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching. 
 27            - n_qubits : int  
 28                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
 29            - n_layers : int  
 30                number of layers for the quantum circuit  
 31            - dev : qml.device  
 32                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
 33                to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).
 35            Returns:  
 36            --------  
 37            Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.  
 38        '''
 40        super().__init__(n_qubits=n_qubits, n_layers=n_layers, dev=dev)
 42        self.shots     = dev.shots
 43        self.location  = location 
 44        self.scale     = scale
 45        self.n_qubits  = n_qubits
 46        self.n_layers  = n_layers
 47        self.dev       = dev
 49    def generate_noise(self):
 50        '''
 51            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable  
 53            Parameters:  
 54            -----------
 55            Nothing
 57            Returns:  
 58            --------  
 59            n : float
 60                gaussianlike quantum noise observable
 61        '''
 62        expval = self.circ(self.dev)
 63        n = self.location + self.scale*expval
 64        return n
 67    def generate_noise_array(self, shape:tuple):
 68        '''
 69            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables
 71            Parameters:  
 72            -----------
 73            shape : tuple
 74                shape of the desired maxtrix of observables
 76            Returns:  
 77            --------  
 78            n : float
 79                gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables
 80        '''
 81        n = []
 82        for _ in range(np.prod(shape)): n.append(self.generate_noise())
 83        n = np.array(n)
 85        return n.reshape(shape)
 87    def circ(self, dev : qml.devices) -> FunctionType:
 88        '''
 89            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.  
 91            Parameters:  
 92            -----------  
 93            - dev : qml.device  
 94                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set  
 95                to 'default.qubit'   
 97            Returns:  
 98            --------  
 99            - qnode : qml.qnode  
100                the actual PennyLane circuit   
101        '''
103        @qml.qnode(dev)
104        def qnode() -> dict:
105            '''
106                PennyLane based quantum circuit composed of a Ry gate
108                Parameters:  
109                -----------  
110                Nothing
112                Returns:  
113                --------  
114                - counts : dict  
115                    Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, 
116                    returning the number of counts for each sample. If no observable is provided then basis state samples are returned directly 
117                    from the device. Note that the output shape of this measurement process depends on the shots specified on the device. 
118            '''
120            qml.RandomLayers(np.random.random((len(dev.wires),self.n_layers)), range(len(dev.wires)))
121            return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
123        return qnode()

This class implements a quantum noise generator using a random circuit for each sample.

RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator( location: float, scale: float, n_qubits: int, n_layers: int, dev: <module 'pennylane.devices' from '/Users/asebastianelli/miniforge3/envs/hqm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/devices/__init__.py'> = None)
17    def __init__(self, location : float, scale : float, n_qubits: int, n_layers : int, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
18        '''
19            RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.  
21            Parameters:  
22            -----------
23            - location : float  
24                location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
25            - scale : float  
26                scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching. 
27            - n_qubits : int  
28                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
29            - n_layers : int  
30                number of layers for the quantum circuit  
31            - dev : qml.device  
32                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
33                to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).
35            Returns:  
36            --------  
37            Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.  
38        '''
40        super().__init__(n_qubits=n_qubits, n_layers=n_layers, dev=dev)
42        self.shots     = dev.shots
43        self.location  = location 
44        self.scale     = scale
45        self.n_qubits  = n_qubits
46        self.n_layers  = n_layers
47        self.dev       = dev

RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.


  • location : float
    location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
  • scale : float
    scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching.
  • n_qubits : int
    number of qubits for the quantum circuit
  • n_layers : int
    number of layers for the quantum circuit
  • dev : qml.device
    PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).


Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.

def generate_noise(self):
49    def generate_noise(self):
50        '''
51            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable  
53            Parameters:  
54            -----------
55            Nothing
57            Returns:  
58            --------  
59            n : float
60                gaussianlike quantum noise observable
61        '''
62        expval = self.circ(self.dev)
63        n = self.location + self.scale*expval
64        return n

GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable




n : float gaussianlike quantum noise observable

def generate_noise_array(self, shape: tuple):
67    def generate_noise_array(self, shape:tuple):
68        '''
69            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables
71            Parameters:  
72            -----------
73            shape : tuple
74                shape of the desired maxtrix of observables
76            Returns:  
77            --------  
78            n : float
79                gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables
80        '''
81        n = []
82        for _ in range(np.prod(shape)): n.append(self.generate_noise())
83        n = np.array(n)
85        return n.reshape(shape)

GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables


shape : tuple shape of the desired maxtrix of observables


n : float gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables

def circ( self, dev: <module 'pennylane.devices' from '/Users/asebastianelli/miniforge3/envs/hqm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/devices/__init__.py'>) -> function:
 87    def circ(self, dev : qml.devices) -> FunctionType:
 88        '''
 89            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.  
 91            Parameters:  
 92            -----------  
 93            - dev : qml.device  
 94                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set  
 95                to 'default.qubit'   
 97            Returns:  
 98            --------  
 99            - qnode : qml.qnode  
100                the actual PennyLane circuit   
101        '''
103        @qml.qnode(dev)
104        def qnode() -> dict:
105            '''
106                PennyLane based quantum circuit composed of a Ry gate
108                Parameters:  
109                -----------  
110                Nothing
112                Returns:  
113                --------  
114                - counts : dict  
115                    Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, 
116                    returning the number of counts for each sample. If no observable is provided then basis state samples are returned directly 
117                    from the device. Note that the output shape of this measurement process depends on the shots specified on the device. 
118            '''
120            qml.RandomLayers(np.random.random((len(dev.wires),self.n_layers)), range(len(dev.wires)))
121            return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
123        return qnode()

GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.


  • dev : qml.device
    PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
    to 'default.qubit'


  • qnode : qml.qnode
    the actual PennyLane circuit
class RandomCZNoiseGenerator(typing.Generic[~quantumcircuit]):
125class RandomCZNoiseGenerator(QuantumCircuit):
126    '''
127        This class implements a quantum noise generator using a random circuit
128    '''
130    def __init__(self, location : float, scale : float, n_qubits: int, n_layers : int, n_entangling_layers : int = 2, bit_string : bool = True, state_id : int = 0, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
131        '''
132            RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.  
134            Parameters:  
135            -----------
136            - location : float  
137                location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
138            - scale : float  
139                scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching. 
140            - n_qubits : int  
141                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
142            - n_layers : int  
143                number of layers for the quantum circuit 
144            - n_entangling_layers : int  
145                number of layers with entanglement
146            - state_id : int
147                name of the state to consider
148            - dev : qml.device  
149                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
150                to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).
152            Returns:  
153            --------  
154            Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.  
155        '''
157        super().__init__(n_qubits=n_qubits, n_layers=n_layers, dev=dev)
159        self.shots               = dev.shots
160        self.location            = location 
161        self.scale               = scale
162        self.n_qubits            = n_qubits
163        self.n_layers            = n_layers
164        self.n_entangling_layers = n_entangling_layers
165        self.bit_string          = bit_string
166        self.state_id            = state_id
167        self.dev                 = dev
168        self.circuit             = self.circ(self.dev)
170    def generate_noise(self):
171        '''
172            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable  
174            Parameters:  
175            -----------
176            Nothing
178            Returns:  
179            --------  
180            n : float
181                gaussianlike quantum noise observable
182        '''
183        if self.bit_string:
184            unitary_probs = self.circuit()
185            state_id = np.random.choice(2**self.n_qubits, p=unitary_probs)
186            expval = unitary_probs[state_id]
187        else:
188            expval = self.circuit()[self.state_id]
190        n = self.location + self.scale*expval
191        return n
194    def generate_noise_array(self, shape:tuple):
195        '''
196            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables
198            Parameters:  
199            -----------
200            shape : tuple
201                shape of the desired maxtrix of observables
203            Returns:  
204            --------  
205            n : float
206                gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables
207        '''
208        n = []
209        for _ in range(np.prod(shape)): n.append(self.generate_noise())
210        n = np.array(n)
212        return n.reshape(shape)
214    def circ(self, dev : qml.devices) -> FunctionType:
215        '''
216            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.  
218            Parameters:  
219            -----------  
220            - dev : qml.device  
221                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set  
222                to 'default.qubit'   
224            Returns:  
225            --------  
226            - qnode : qml.qnode  
227                the actual PennyLane circuit   
228        '''
230        @qml.qnode(dev)
231        def qnode() -> dict:
232            '''
233                PennyLane based quantum circuit composed of a Ry gate
235                Parameters:  
236                -----------  
237                Nothing
239                Returns:  
240                --------  
241                - counts : dict  
242                    Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, 
243                    returning the number of counts for each sample. If no observable is provided then basis state samples are returned directly 
244                    from the device. Note that the output shape of this measurement process depends on the shots specified on the device. 
245            '''
247            for _ in range(self.n_layers):
248                for j in range(self.n_qubits):
250                    qml.Hadamard(wires=j)
251                    rZ = 2*np.pi*random.random()
252                    qml.RZ(rZ,wires=j)
254                    rY = 2*np.pi*random.random()
255                    qml.RY(rY,wires=j)
257                    for _ in range(self.n_entangling_layers):
258                        r = random.sample(range(0, self.n_qubits), 2)        
259                        qml.CZ(wires=r)
261                    #qml.CZ(wires=r)
262                # Hadamards
263                qml.Barrier()
264            for i in range(self.n_qubits): qml.Hadamard(wires=i)
266            return qml.probs(wires=range(0,self.n_qubits))
268        return qnode

This class implements a quantum noise generator using a random circuit

RandomCZNoiseGenerator( location: float, scale: float, n_qubits: int, n_layers: int, n_entangling_layers: int = 2, bit_string: bool = True, state_id: int = 0, dev: <module 'pennylane.devices' from '/Users/asebastianelli/miniforge3/envs/hqm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/devices/__init__.py'> = None)
130    def __init__(self, location : float, scale : float, n_qubits: int, n_layers : int, n_entangling_layers : int = 2, bit_string : bool = True, state_id : int = 0, dev : qml.devices = None) -> None:
131        '''
132            RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.  
134            Parameters:  
135            -----------
136            - location : float  
137                location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
138            - scale : float  
139                scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching. 
140            - n_qubits : int  
141                number of qubits for the quantum circuit  
142            - n_layers : int  
143                number of layers for the quantum circuit 
144            - n_entangling_layers : int  
145                number of layers with entanglement
146            - state_id : int
147                name of the state to consider
148            - dev : qml.device  
149                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
150                to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).
152            Returns:  
153            --------  
154            Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.  
155        '''
157        super().__init__(n_qubits=n_qubits, n_layers=n_layers, dev=dev)
159        self.shots               = dev.shots
160        self.location            = location 
161        self.scale               = scale
162        self.n_qubits            = n_qubits
163        self.n_layers            = n_layers
164        self.n_entangling_layers = n_entangling_layers
165        self.bit_string          = bit_string
166        self.state_id            = state_id
167        self.dev                 = dev
168        self.circuit             = self.circ(self.dev)

RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator constructor.


  • location : float
    location parameter translate the pdf, relative to the standard normal distribution
  • scale : float
    scale parameter that stretches the pdf. The greater the magnitude, the greater the stretching.
  • n_qubits : int
    number of qubits for the quantum circuit
  • n_layers : int
    number of layers for the quantum circuit
  • n_entangling_layers : int
    number of layers with entanglement
  • state_id : int name of the state to consider
  • dev : qml.device
    PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set to 'default.qubit'. Recommendent qml.device("default.mixed", wires=1, shots=1000).


Nothing, a RandomCircuitNoiseGenerator object will be created.

def generate_noise(self):
170    def generate_noise(self):
171        '''
172            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable  
174            Parameters:  
175            -----------
176            Nothing
178            Returns:  
179            --------  
180            n : float
181                gaussianlike quantum noise observable
182        '''
183        if self.bit_string:
184            unitary_probs = self.circuit()
185            state_id = np.random.choice(2**self.n_qubits, p=unitary_probs)
186            expval = unitary_probs[state_id]
187        else:
188            expval = self.circuit()[self.state_id]
190        n = self.location + self.scale*expval
191        return n

GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates on observable




n : float gaussianlike quantum noise observable

def generate_noise_array(self, shape: tuple):
194    def generate_noise_array(self, shape:tuple):
195        '''
196            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables
198            Parameters:  
199            -----------
200            shape : tuple
201                shape of the desired maxtrix of observables
203            Returns:  
204            --------  
205            n : float
206                gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables
207        '''
208        n = []
209        for _ in range(np.prod(shape)): n.append(self.generate_noise())
210        n = np.array(n)
212        return n.reshape(shape)

GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator that generates a matrix of observables


shape : tuple shape of the desired maxtrix of observables


n : float gaussianlike quantum noise matrix of observables

def circ( self, dev: <module 'pennylane.devices' from '/Users/asebastianelli/miniforge3/envs/hqm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pennylane/devices/__init__.py'>) -> function:
214    def circ(self, dev : qml.devices) -> FunctionType:
215        '''
216            GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.  
218            Parameters:  
219            -----------  
220            - dev : qml.device  
221                PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set  
222                to 'default.qubit'   
224            Returns:  
225            --------  
226            - qnode : qml.qnode  
227                the actual PennyLane circuit   
228        '''
230        @qml.qnode(dev)
231        def qnode() -> dict:
232            '''
233                PennyLane based quantum circuit composed of a Ry gate
235                Parameters:  
236                -----------  
237                Nothing
239                Returns:  
240                --------  
241                - counts : dict  
242                    Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, 
243                    returning the number of counts for each sample. If no observable is provided then basis state samples are returned directly 
244                    from the device. Note that the output shape of this measurement process depends on the shots specified on the device. 
245            '''
247            for _ in range(self.n_layers):
248                for j in range(self.n_qubits):
250                    qml.Hadamard(wires=j)
251                    rZ = 2*np.pi*random.random()
252                    qml.RZ(rZ,wires=j)
254                    rY = 2*np.pi*random.random()
255                    qml.RY(rY,wires=j)
257                    for _ in range(self.n_entangling_layers):
258                        r = random.sample(range(0, self.n_qubits), 2)        
259                        qml.CZ(wires=r)
261                    #qml.CZ(wires=r)
262                # Hadamards
263                qml.Barrier()
264            for i in range(self.n_qubits): qml.Hadamard(wires=i)
266            return qml.probs(wires=range(0,self.n_qubits))
268        return qnode

GaussianLikeNoiseGenerator method that implements the quantum circuit.


  • dev : qml.device
    PennyLane device on wich run quantum operations (dafault : None). When None it will be set
    to 'default.qubit'


  • qnode : qml.qnode
    the actual PennyLane circuit